‘Art Attack’ Unveiled: Navigating the DMZ’s Artistic Spectrum Through the Lens of Filmmaker Nils Clauss
Posted on Nov 7, 2018

‘Art Attack’ Unveiled: Navigating the DMZ’s Artistic Spectrum Through the Lens of Filmmaker Nils Clauss

Embark on an artistic journey within the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ) as international artists gather in Yangjiri for a residency program. Explore the clash of cultures and values captured in Art Attack, a compelling short documentary by filmmaker Nils Clauss. Navigate the complexities of global art in this comedic take on the challenges posed by the […]

Posted on Oct 1, 2015

Capturing Korean Lives: A Cinematic Collaboration Honoring Kim Kkobbi in Goethe-Insitut Korea Promo

In a momentous release, CONTENTED proudly unveils their latest promo film for the Goethe-Institut Korea. Gratitude resonates towards the Goethe-Institut and the entire team for their unwavering support. A special acknowledgment is extended to the film’s main characters: Kkobbi Kim, Seungmin Cha, Hyunjee Ha, and Kyung-Sung Lee. This cinematic journey not only interweaves the personal […]

Capturing Korean Lives: A Cinematic Collaboration Honoring Kim Kkobbi in Goethe-Insitut Korea Promo
Capturing Moments: Goethe Institut Promo Film in Seoul
Posted on May 27, 2015

Capturing Moments: Goethe Institut Promo Film in Seoul

CONTENTED recently concluded production for the Goethe Institut promo film, a collaborative effort capturing the interconnected lives of four individuals. We extend our gratitude to the Goethe Institut and the entire team for their unwavering support. Special thanks to the film’s main characters: Kkobbi Kim, Seungmin Cha, Hyunjee Ha, and Kyung-Sung Lee. In a momentous […]