Nils Clauss: Among some of the best filmmakers now represented in New York at Co.Mission.Content
Posted on Jul 17, 2015

Nils Clauss: Among some of the best filmmakers now represented in New York at Co.Mission.Content

Nils Clauss, a visionary cinematographer and director, has recently joined the esteemed ranks of Co.MISSION Content, a prominent New York-based production company. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in Nils’s career, standing alongside renowned international filmmakers such as Brandon Bloch, Brandon Li, and others. Cinematography Elevated In the realm of cinematography, Nils Clauss stands out […]

Posted on Jul 15, 2015

Global Cell Phone Usage Unveiled: A Cinematographer’s Perspective from Seoul

In collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), M ss ng P eces, and Co.MISSION Content, I embarked on a fascinating journey to Shenzhen, China. Our mission? To create a captivating video that delves into the diverse ways people across the globe use cell phones. As a cinematographer based in Seoul, South Korea, this […]

Global Cell Phone Usage Unveiled: A Cinematographer’s Perspective from Seoul