Exploring Seoul’s Architectural Creativity Through the Eyes of Nerdy Kids
Posted on Apr 11, 2018

Exploring Seoul’s Architectural Creativity Through the Eyes of Nerdy Kids

As fathers of young kids, filmmakers Nils Clauss and Neil Dowling witness the daily magic of their children’s creativity. Embracing Picasso’s words, “Every child is an artist,” they responded to the International Union of Architects‘ (UIA) call for a film to open the 2017 World Congress of Architects in Seoul. Their mission: to take attendees […]

Posted on Feb 15, 2018

Navigating Seoul’s Global Education Landscape: A Cinematographer’s Perspective

In 2014, Minerva Schools introduced a groundbreaking model of higher education, blending a reimagined curriculum with global experiences across seven cities. As a cinematographer, director of photography (DOP), and filmmaker based in Seoul, South Korea, I had the privilege to collaborate on the Seoul episode directed by Andrew Hida and Ayo Seligman. The Global Immersion […]

Navigating Seoul’s Global Education Landscape: A Cinematographer’s Perspective